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Monday, May 9, 2016

Skill script starts to work

Now that the parser is up and running (at least as it's infancy) it's time to go back to the game engine itself and implements the stats & skills.

The first skill I wanted to try is the "attack" skill which should hurt an enemy when you click on it, and the enemy is nearby. Ideally the attack should have a timer and while you remain in the range the game will attack every time the timer is over.

All that should be implemented at the script level, so that every game owner is then free to fully change the rules for his/her game. Of course we will provide some default rules to start with. Those rules will also quite certainly have a set of values you will be able to change via a simpler interface (not needing to go to the code level directly).

Anyhow that's all the "future". Currently I wrote one of the most plain attack skill possible:
// Default attack skill. Will be invoked while clicking on a monster.
function MonsterClick(monster)
    // Kill the monster if its nearby\n\
    if(Monster.DistanceToPlayer(monster) < 32)
This code is run every time you click on a monster, then the code checks if the monster is in the range of 32 pixels and if yes kill the monster. Of course that's not how it should be, we should reduce the monster life and only if the life of the monster is 0 or smaller then kill it. However it's a good start to see that the engine is able to mix JS code (the own engine code) and our own little scripting language.

If multiple skills implements the "MonsterClick" function then currently all the skills functions will be invoked.

Finally, to make the code writing maybe a bit easier for the game owners we decided to make it case insensitive, which means lower or upper case don't change the meaning of the code.

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